30 Powerful Prayers to Pray For Your Children

Pray for

To pray for your children is a powerful thing that God has given parents. As parents we can be fearful and uncertain but the Bible reminds us in Philippians 4:6-7 that instead of being worried we should be prayerful. In this post we will share with you 30 powerful prayers to pray for your children no matter their age because God hears and answers our prayer. Let us remember James 5: 16 “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

A Special Call To Pray For Your Children

We are living in troublesome times as the bible describes in 2 Timothy 3:2 some of the signs of the end and one was the disobedience of children to their parents. Disobedience has been a problem since the very beginning however if you take a close look you will realize that these days the degree of disobedience is at a high. We need to pray for our children that they will want to do what is right, that they will love God and his word and that they will choose God’s free gift of salvation. These are some of the things we will be praying for in our Bible Activities for kids 30 days of prayer for our children. We are inviting you to join us in this special prayer emphasis. Subscribe to our youtube channel and join us in this prayer exercise.

Pray For Our Children Books

In her book praying the scriptures for your children Jodie Berndt shows you how to make the Bible a book of prayers that make a big difference in the lives of children. This book shows how to pray specifically and expectantly concerning their faith, character, safety, relationships, and future. You’ll find biblical perspectives, encouragement from Scriptures and true-life stories which can make a difference. The word of God is a great resource to turn to when wanting to pray confidently and effectively for children. This is a book you may want to refer to over and over again.

Pray For Our Children Video Series

Prayer To Remain Unblemished

Let us pray for our children that they may remain unblemished. This prayer is based on Phillipians 2: 15.

Father, I pray today that my child may be blameless and harmless,  sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye may shine as lights in the world. Amen

Prayer To Pray Over Our Children For Salvation

Pray for our children that they may have salvation. This is based on Ecclesiastes 12:1.

Father I pray today that my child will remember you during the days of youth before old age comes and trouble comes, when at that time there will be no interest. Amen

Prayer For Wisdom

Proverbs 4: 5-7 encourages us to get wisdom and understanding so pray for our children that they may be wise.

Lord, help my child to get wisdom and understanding, to not forget or ignore your words. Help this child to use and love wisdom. Amen.

Prayer For Choice Of Friends

Proverbs 13: 20 tells us that we are wise when we walk with those who are wise. Let us pray for our children that they may make good choices with regards to the friends they keep.

Lord, please help my child to choose friends who are wise so my child can be wise. May my child avoid the foolish and thus avoid suffering. Amen

Pray For Humility

2 Kings 22:19 says “Because thine heart was tender, and thou hast humbled thyself before the Lord, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, that they should become a desolation and a curse, and hast rent thy clothes, and wept before me; I also have heard thee, saith the Lord. ” So we pray that children will have a humble heart.

Father, help my child’s heart to be tender and humble before you so that you will hear the prayer which ascend from this child’s lips. Amen

James 4:10 says “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”

Lord, I pray that my child will be humble before you that you may lift up this child in the right time. Amen

Prayer For Conviction Of Sin

Jesus died to save all humanity. We pray that our children will be convicted of sin when they do wrong. This prayer is based on 1 John 1:9.

Father help my child that if there is sin, my child will confess those sins to you that you will faithfully forgive and cleanse my child of all unrighteousness. Amen

Prayer To Love God’s Word

What a blessing it will be when our children love God’s word. Here is a prayer based on Psalm 119:105.

Lord, help my child to love your word. May it be a lamp to my child’s feet, and a light unto my child’s path. Amen

Pray For Protection From Evil

We all want to be protected from evil and want the same for our children. Jesus said a special prayer in this regard found in John 17: 15 and so we model that prayer and pray for our children.

Father, I pray as you prayed that thou shouldest take my child out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep my child from the evil. Amen.

Pray To Be Free From The Need Of Others Approval

The bible reminds us that it is better to obey God rather than men and so in whatever we do we want to please God instead of men. So based on Galatians 1: 10 we pray

Father, help my child not seek to please men but instead please you Lord and be the servant of Christ. Amen.

Pray For Freedom From Temptation

We are tempted on every side but James 4:7 tells us how to approach temptation. We pray that our children will apply this recipe to their lives.

Dear God, help my child to submit therefore to you and resist the devil, so the devil will flee. Amen

Pray For A Faith That Works

Faith without works is dead and so we pray that our children will have a faith that works.

Dear God, help my child to have a faith that works. May my child be not only a hearer of the word but a doer of the word. Amen. James 1:22

Pray For A Future Spouse

We want our children to find a spouse who loves and serves the Lord, so that they will have children and a family that follows after the Lord. So based on Proverbs 18: 22 we pray

Father please help my child to find a future spouse who loves you and may my child find favor with you O Lord. Amen

Pray For Safety

We say a prayer for safety over our children because the times we live in are dangerous and only the Lord can keep them safe.

Lord, I can prepare myself and my child to be safe but Lord safety is of the Lord so only you can truly keep my child safe,  so I ask that you keep my child safe, hide my child in the shadow of your wings Amen. Proverbs 21:31, Psalm 17:8

Pray For Protection From Wrong Influences

The wrong influences can impact a child’s life in a negative way. We pray that God will help them to be influenced in the right way by the right people.

Lord  please preserve my child from all evil: please keep my child from wrong influences and preserve my child’s soul. Psalm 121:7

Pray For A Sick Child

God is our great healer. Sickness can be very stressful for families and so we pray a special prayer for those children who are sick based on Exodus 15: 26.

Father you are the God who heals. I pray today for the sick child please bring healing. Amen.

Pray For Right Identity

Who really are you? Who is your child? Where is our identity found? Our identity is found in God and we pray that our children will realize their true worth.

Father, I pray that my child will have a true picture of their identity in you. As the world tries to label them I pray that they will know how fearfully and wonderfully made they are Amen. Psalm 139:14

Pray For Peace

We all have anxieties, worry and fear from time to time. We pray that God will give our children peace and thus freedom form anxiety, worry and fear.

Father, give my child your peace. May my child not feel worried but instead take every thought captive and replace the lies from the devil with the truth from your word Amen. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Pray For Strength And Courage

There are many things for us to be fearful of. We ask that God will give our children victory over fear.

Dear God, help my child to know that they can do all things with your help. Help my child to be strong and courageous and to not be afraid. Amen Phil 4:13, Joshua 1:9

Pray For Provision

The Lord shall supply our needs says Philippians 2:19 and so we pray that the needs of all children will be supplied according to the Lord’s riches in glory.

Dear Lord you know children all over the world have needs. I pray that you will supply all their needs according to your riches in glory. Amen.

Pray For Direction

Which way should we go? We pray the Lord will show us and our children where to go.

Father I pray that my child will acknowledge you in everything so that you can direct the paths for my child. Amen. Proverbs 3:5-6

Pray For Joy

How can we find joy? How can our children find joy? It comes from God and so we pray that God will give them joy.

God please teach my child to live in your way, help my child to choose to be in your presence so my child will  be filled with joy. Amen. Psalm 16:11

Pray For Eternal Life

We want to be saved and want the same for our children. We pray that God will save them.

God help our children to listen to you and to follow you so that you will give our children eternal life, and may no one can steal them out of your hand. Amen John 10:27-28

Pray For Conduct

Have you ever felt like your children were not behaving like children of God? Well we pray that their conduct will represent heaven’s conduct.

Father, just as you are holy, help our child to behave like your child in all that is done. Amen. 1 Peter 1:15

Prayer of Thanks

We give thanks to God for everything and so we should be thankful for our children. A wonderful prayer for children is a thanksgiving prayer to God.

God we thank you for our children; a heritage from you. We thank you for the blessing and for the reward of having children. Amen Psalm 127:3

Pray for transformation of the mind

We are all sinners in need of a Savior. We pray that God will transform the minds of our children so that they will want to do Godly things.

Father help our children not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of their mind, that they may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

Pray For Virtue

May our children desire to do what is right that is the prayer for all believers in Christ.

Dear God we want our children to follow you and so today we pray that you will put your Holy Spirit upon our children and help them to live by your rules and  be careful to obey your laws. Amen. Ezekiel 36:27

Pray For A Prayerful Life

There is power in prayer and we pray that our children will find that power and will choose to pray.

Lord help our children to always seek you in prayer and to always be thankful. Amen. Colossians 4:2

Pray For Our Children

I trust that these prayers were a blessing to you and that you will join us in prayer. May God bless you all abundantly.

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