4 Important Lessons From The Noah Bible Story

The Noah Bible Story has many lessons which we can learn and share with our kids. It is a very popular story and one that all kids should know about. In this post we will look at the Bible story of Noah and the flood and the lessons for us today.
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What Did God Say About Noah?
The Noah story bible verse of great significance is Genesis 6:9.
“Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.”
In the Noah Bible story we meet a human just like us who God says was perfect. What does it mean by perfect? Does it mean that Noah never did anything wrong? Well, the fact that Noah was born a member of the human race like you and me means that he did sin. God would consider him righteous or perfect however if Noah did what was right in God’s eyes. If he sinned, he would have asked God to forgive him and he would have been covered by perfect blood of Jesus.
In Zechariah 3, the vision was given of Joshua. The devil wanted to condemn him but his filthy garments were changed illustrating that Jesus covers our sin when we give our lives to him and makes us righteous. The Noah Bible Story gives us hope that a human just like us was seen as just and perfect and that means that we can be seen as righteous by God. You can use this puzzle for small kids as you talk about the story of Noah.
Noah And The Flood Story
What is the flood story in the bible? The Noah Bible story also known as the story about Noah and the ark and the great flood is found in Genesis chapter 6. It is the story of how God spoke to a man named Noah and told him that the earth would be destroyed with a flood because the people were doing wicked things and not following God’s instructions. Most people thought that this was not possible, but Noah chose to believe what God said and built a boat. Only Noah and his family were saved. The Noah bible story can be found on our youtube podcast in our Bible In A Year series.
What Does The Story Of Noah Teach Us?
The Noah Bible story teaches us many lessons. Some of the lessons we learn from the Noah Bible story include:
- God does what he says he will do. God does not lie. God told Noah there would be a flood and even though water had never come from the sky before, what God said was true. Even if what God says sounds far fetched, be sure that God’s word is true.
- When we believe that God’s word is true, we can trust the promise he made after the flood. Genesis 9:13-17 says “I am putting my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of the agreement between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth, a rainbow appears in the clouds. Then I will remember my agreement. It is between me and you and every living thing. Floodwaters will never again destroy all life on the earth. When the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it. Then I will remember the agreement that continues forever. It is between me and every living thing on the earth. So God said to Noah, “That rainbow is a sign. It is the sign of the agreement that I made with all living things on earth.”
- We need to listen to God and be obedient. The persons who obeyed God were saved in the ark but those who chose not to listen died in the flood. The Noah bible story teaches a strong lesson about obedience.
- Matthew 5: 48 says “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. ” Is this an impossible task? The bible says Noah was perfect. Since Noah was a human just like us this shows us that we too can be seen as righteous in the eyes of God. Noah’s bible story gives us hope that when God says we should be perfect it is a possible task.
Noah Bible Story Printables
For this Noah’s ark craft authored by Katie you will find the instructions on her webpage and you will need the following:
- FREE Noah’s Ark BOAT Template
- FREE Animal Graphic Template, colored or Black & White coloring
- Cardstock, blue and brown
- Cardstock, 12×12 inch white
- Metallic brown marker or soft brown marker
You can also make a Noah Bible Story Spinner. The instructions can be found in this video. For this you will need:
- Noah’s Ark Craft Spinner Template
- White cardstock
- Markers
- Brass fastener
- Scissors
If you would like a puzzle. You can find a great Noah’s Bible story jigsaw puzzle here. This reminds us that God led Noah and he chose to obey.
Noah Bible Story
The Noah Bible story teaches us important lessons. As we review this story let us see how we can apply it to our lives so we too can be considered as perfect by God. We welcome your comments as usual. Be blessed!