3 Easy Obedience Bible Verses Every Kid Should Know

How many times have you said an obedience bible verse to your kids? What is one bible verse about obedience that sounds like a broken record? You know the one we mean. That special one, yes, you got it! ” Children obey your parents.”
If you are like us, you have said it a lot. Why? Obedience is important. In fact, we wondered how many times is obedience mentioned in the bible? We don’t know for sure but one website says it is at least 170 times. One hundred and seventy appearances of an obedience bible verse is a lot so we know for sure it is a significant topic. In this post we will share with you some obedience bible verses for kids.
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What Is Obedience According To The Bible?
According to one encyclopedia, obedience is the complying with a command or precept. So obedience is choosing to follow the instructions given by someone. In the bible we see that God told Adam and Eve not to eat of a particular tree. We find this instruction in Genesis 2: 16,17. If Adam and Eve followed the instruction they would have been considered to be obedient. They however did not follow the instruction and hence are considered to be disobedient.
Deuteronomy 11:1 gives us a full explanation of the obedience definition.
“Love the Lord your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always.”
So, obedience is about keeping requirements, decrees, laws and commands all the time. This is required by God and he also commands us to give obedience to others in authority such as parents and leaders.
Ephesians 6: 1-3 states “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.
“Obey your leaders and submit to them” Hebrews 13: 17
So, obedience in the bible is about following the requirements of those in authority over us. In talking to our kids about this topic we need to let them know however that obedience to God is supreme. One obedience bible verse which states this is found in Acts 5: 29, which states that we must obey God rather than men.
All these verses teach us what obedience really is and these are obedience bible verses to share with your kids so that they can understand the truths about obedience.
Story About Obedience For Kids
As you focus on obedience bible verses for kids, a key teaching technique is stories. There is a great resource for teaching kids about Godly obedience. It is a picture storybook called Nate and the cake.
In this story Nate battles with the question of whether to obey his mother or not. From this story about obedience your kids will learn key techniques about how to choose obedience. Its a great tool to have when teaching obedience to kids.
As you share obedience bible verses with your kids be sure to share with them this awesome story. You can also use this book help.
Examples of Obedience In The Bible
Were there people who chose obedience in the bible? Yes there are many examples of those who obeyed God in the bible. These are found in several obedience bible verses.
One example is with the patriarch Abraham. Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his son Isaac. Even though this was a difficult and painful thing to do, Abraham chose obedience and went on a journey to sacrifice his son as he was asked to do. Imagine, being asked to do something like that from God? What? Leviticus 20:3-5 shows how God feels about human sacrifices.
“I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off…”
So, why would God ask Abraham for a human sacrifice? It was a test. God wanted to see if Abraham loved his son more or God more. This is a test we get in life today as well, will we choose God or that top job, or dream car for example.
Abraham chose to obey God even though it was an unusual request. In the end, God provided a lamb so Abraham did not sacrifice his son but instead the lamb was offered as a sacrifice. This was also symbolic of Jesus the lamb of God who took the place for all humanity and died instead of us as the payment for sin.
The story of Abraham is found in Genesis 22. This can be a “scary” story to share with kids depending on their age so share this story in an age appropriate manner.
Another example is when Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Moses was hesitant at first and had many reasons as to why he could not do follow God’s instructions. He however obeyed because he knew it was God’s requirement. His obedience led to many powerful stories which we find in the bible such as the parting of the Red Sea and manna falling from heaven. The story of Moses being called starts in Exodus 3.

Other stories about obedience in the bible includes that of Noah and the Ark and the story of Esther. In each of these stories, the characters showed obedience to God, even when it was difficult to do so. Noah had to obey God and build a boat, when he had never seen water fall from the sky before. He was ridiculed by those around him yet he still chose obedience. You can view our youtube channel for our Bible in a year podcast with the Noah story.
Esther had to trust God and obey when she could have been killed by going to the king without being summoned. You can find the story of Noah and his choosing obedience in Genesis 6 and the story of Esther is in the book of Esther in the bible. We have spoken about only a few examples of obedience from the Bible however there are many more to inspire us and our kids to choose to be more obedient in our own lives.
Obedience is an important virtue for Christians and it shows our willingness to submit to God’s will. When we are obedient to God, we tell Him that we trust Him and His plan for our lives. As you teach kids the obedience bible verses share with them these bible examples of obedience.
What Is The Fruit Of Obedience?
When Adam and Eve sinned, the human race received the fruit of disobedience and by one man Jesus’ obedience the human race can have the fruit of obedience which is eternal life. This truth is expressed in Romans 5: 12-17.
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.
And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)”

So, the fruit of obedience is sweet. It involves eternal life with Jesus our Savior. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 2: 9 that “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” As you study about obedience bible verses, remind your child that the ultimate fruit of obedience will be our salvation where we get to be with Jesus forever.
10 Blessings Of Obedience
Did you know that there is a blessings of obedience bible verse? Yes there is. Its found in Deuteronomy 28: 1-14.
“You must completely obey the Lord your God. And you must carefully follow all his commands I am giving you today. Then the Lord your God will make you greater than any other nation on earth. Obey the Lord your God. Then all these blessings will come and stay with you:
You will be blessed in the city. You will be blessed in the country.
Your children will be blessed. Your crops will be blessed. Your cattle will be blessed with calves and your sheep with lambs.
Your basket and your kitchen will be blessed.
You will be blessed when you come in and when you go out.
The Lord will let you defeat the enemies that come to fight you. They will attack you from one direction. But they will run from you in seven directions.
The Lord your God will bless you with full barns. He will bless everything you do. He will bless the land he is giving you.
The Lord will make you his holy people, as he promised. But you must obey his commands. You must do what he wants you to do. Then everyone on earth will see that you are the Lord’s people. They will be afraid of you. The Lord will make you rich. You will have many children. Your cattle will have many calves. Your land will give good crops. It is the land that the Lord promised your ancestors he would give to you.
The Lord will open up his storehouse. The skies will send rain on your land at the right time. And he will bless everything you do. You will lend to other nations. But you will not need to borrow from them. The Lord will make you like the head and not like the tail. You will be on top and not on bottom. But you must obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. Be careful to keep them. Do not disobey anything I command you today. Do exactly as I command. Do not follow other gods or serve them.”
Wow, what awesome “God rewards obedience bible verses”. So What are God’s promises for obedience outlined in these obedience bible verses? We found ten they are:
- You will be blessed wherever you are -country, city, when you leave home, when you are at home, doesn’t matter, God’s blessings is on you when you choose to obey.
- Family blessings. When you obey your kids are blessed by God.
- The business you do, will be blessed. So if its farming, your cattle will flourish, your crops will flourish, what a blessing! If you are a kid going to school you will do well in your studies. Isn’t that awesome?
- You wont be hungry because you will always have food in your kitchen. Your “food basket” wont be dry.
- God will protect you when you are obedient. When we obey God, we are choosing to live in protection. This doesn’t mean that we will never face dangerous situations, but it does mean that we can trust God to work all things for our good.
- Everything you do will be blessed. Isn’t it great to know that whatever your hand finds to do will be prosperous because you are an obedient child of God?
- He will give your property and this property will also be blessed.
- You will have money so you don’t need to borrow.
- People will see the blessings of God on your life.
- You will be ahead in the race of life, you wont be behind.
There are many blessings of obedience. When we choose to obey God, we are aligning our will with His. This brings us into harmony with His plan for our lives and we can expect to see His blessings in our lives as a result. As this obedience bible verse states we must however do exactly as he commands.
Obedience also brings the blessing of peace. When we choose to live in obedience to God, we can have confidence and peace in His good plans for our lives. This doesn’t mean that life will be easy, but it does mean that we can rest in God’s goodness and love which will follow us all the days of our lives.

Easy Obedience Bible Verses For Kids
Obedience leads to increased faith and trust in God. As we follow His commands, we develop a deeper relationship with Him, and our faith grows stronger. As you share the truths about obedience with your kids here are some bible obedience verses for kids to learn. We have discussed some of these before in this post however this is a summary of the key easy obedience bible verses to teach your kids.
Bible Verses On Obedience To Parents
There are several New Testament scriptures on obedience to parents however the super important one for children to know is Ephesians 6:1. Yes, they likely know it already but if they don’t we have it below.
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”
Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice Bible Verse
1 Samuel 15: 22 ” to obey is better than sacrifice” This is an easy and important verse to learn. If we disobey and give our best gifts it does not mean as much as being obedient and having no gifts. Being obedient is like a “living sacrifice” where we give ourselves completely to God in obedience to his requirements. We have a great song based on this Bible verse which you can listen to here.
Bible Verse About Obeying God
John 14:15 says, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Let kids know that when they love God they will do what he says and this is called obedience.
Obedience Bible Verses
Well, I hope you found this obedience bible verse post useful as you help your child understand the importance of obedience while learning some key obedience bible verses. For further resources on obedience check out our store. Let us know how it goes in the comments below and don’t forget to check out the modern day story about obedience, “Nate and the cake.”