10 Days Of Prayer For Kids Plus Free Printables

“Jesus keep me near the cross”. How can we do this? Through prayer. That’s the aim of 10 days of prayer. We want to bring you and your kids close to the cross, close to Jesus the one who died for our sins. Like the apostles of old, we want to give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word, and to teach our kids to do the say. Join us as we do 10 days of prayer. You can follow along with our youtube channel each day. The newest episode you can find here. We will be happy to have you diving into the word with us.
How Long Should I Pray Each Day?
In this 10 days of prayer emphasis, you can choose to pray for any length of time you choose. For kids, you definitely do not want the prayer to be long. In fact, this 10 days of prayer is more geared towards encouraging your kids to pray and read the bible. However here are some ideas for praying with kids
- Make the prayer short maybe 1 minute or less. You could do short prayers multiple times in a day as opposed to a long prayer. Remember the bible says to pray without ceasing in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. So, encourage kids to say several prayers all through the day.
- Let your kids say the prayer. You can give them ideas about what they could prayer about. You can look at our post on short morning prayers for kids for some short prayer ideas.
- You can say the prayer and have your child repeat the prayer after you.
- You could write the prayer and have your kids rewrite the prayer or trace it if they haven’t yet fully developed their writing skills.
10 Days Of Prayer
10 days of prayer 2025
Ten days of prayer is a series that focuses on spending extra special time in prayer. For 10 days of prayer 2025, the focus is on explaining the Lord’s prayer.
The Lord’s prayer also known as the our Father prayer can be found in Matthew 6 verses 9 to 13.
10 days of Prayer 2025 focuses on the Lord’s prayer. Day 1 focuses on talking to daddy and reminds us that prayer is an amazing gift from God. Prayer is how we maintain our connection with God and God is always waiting to talk to us.
Day 2 of 10 days of prayer
Day 2 focuses on the section of the prayer that says our Father in heaven. We acknowledge that God is our creator and he loves us even more than our earthly parents he is a wonderful father who cares for us.
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Day 3 focuses on the section of the Lord’s prayer that says hallowed be thy name and reminds us that we should be reverent with God’s name. God’s name is not to be used carelessly the way we would a friends name instead we should use it in our praise and honor God
Thy Kingdom Come
Day 4 focuses on showing others what God’s kingdom is like. God’s kingdom is one of love and justice for all.
Day 5 of 10 days of prayer
On day 5 we focus on God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven. We can also do God’s will. We know God’s will when we read the Bible and when we talk to God in prayer.
Day 6 of 10 days of prayer
Day 6 focuses on the section of the Our Father prayer that says give us this day our daily bread. The phrase daily bread does not only refer to food but it refers to everything we have need of whether physical, spiritual or mental.
Forgive Us
Day 7 focuses on asking God to forgive us our sins. We all have sinned and so need to ask God to create in us a clean heart and to give us a second chance.
Day 8 of 10 days of prayer for kids
Day 8 reminds us to love others and forgive others just as God forgives us. We should give others second chances just like God gives us second chances.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
On day 9 we ask God to help us to avoid temptation. We can avoid temptation by praying and hiding God’s word in our heart through scripture memorization.
The Lord’s prayer
In day 10 of 10 days of prayer we review the entire Our Father prayer. Here you will see a fun memorization of this prayer.
Below is also the 10 days of prayer 2024. This was also a very beautiful prayer experience which you and your children will surely enjoy.
Day 1 Of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible Verse: Ephesians 5: 15,16 ICB
“So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise. Live wisely. I mean that you should use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times.”
Key lessons from day 1 of 10 days of prayer
- Do good at every opportunity you get
- Be very careful how you choose to live your life
- Spend your gift of time wisely
Download how I spend my time for 10 Days of Prayer Day 1
Day 2 Of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible Verse: Mark 6: 31-32 ICB
“Crowds of people were coming and going. Jesus and his followers did not even have time to eat. He said to them, “Come with me. We will go to a quiet place to be alone. There we will get some rest.”
So they went in a boat alone to a place where there were no people.”
I am sure there have been times when you are so tired that you just need some quiet time alone. Well, we can choose to have quiet time with Jesus any time and that is what day 2 will focus on.
You can view day 2 of the 10 days of prayer on our youtube channel.
KeY lessons from day 2 of 10 days of prayer
- We should spend quiet time with God every day
- There are several ways we can spend our quiet time with Jesus
Download quiet time ideas for 10 Days Of Prayer Day 2
Day 3 Of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024

Bible Verse: Mark 4:39 “Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.”
Day 3 is all about being still and knowing that God is in control. You can view day 3 of 10 days of prayer on our youtube channel.
- God is in control
- “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10
Download the Peace Be Still Bible verse writing sheet as the day 3 of the 10 days of prayer activity.
Day 4 of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible verse: Daniel 1:5,8,12,13,15
“King Nebuchadnezzar gave the young men a certain amount of food and wine every day. This was the same kind of food that he ate. ..Daniel did not want to eat the king’s rich food and wine because it would make him unclean.
So he asked Ashpenaz for permission not to make himself unclean in this way…He said, “Please give us this test for ten days: Don’t give us anything but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then after ten days, compare us with the other young men who eat the king’s food…After ten days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier than all the young men who ate the king’s food.”
Day 4 is focused on choosing wisely and also about fasting. You can listen to our day 4 podcast on our youtube channel and feel free to download our choose wisely sheet where you can write some things you would like to avoid and write what you could substitute those things for. For example you may want to eat fewer candies by eating more fruit.
key lessons from day 4 of 10 days of prayer
- God wants us to choose foods that are healthy for our bodies
- Sometimes we have to make the decision to stay away from things that are harmful and spend more time with God
Day 5 of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible Verse: Matthew 6:9-13
“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”
Day 5 focuses on the model prayer known as The Lord’s Prayer. You can listen to our day 5 podcast as we journey in this 10 days of prayer.
- This prayer in Matthew is a model we can use for how to pray
- No matter the words we choose, the most important thing to remember is that God wants to hear from us everyday.

Day 6 of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible Verse: Luke 18:1-7
“Then Jesus used this story to teach his followers that they should always pray and never lose hope. “Once there was a judge in a town. He did not care about God. He also did not care what people thought about him. In that same town there was a widow who kept coming to this judge.
She said, ‘There is a man who is not being fair to me. Give me my rights!’ But the judge did not want to help the widow. After a long time, he thought to himself, ‘I don’t care about God. And I don’t care about what people think. But this widow is bothering me. I will see that she gets her rights, or she will bother me until I am worn out!’” The Lord said, “Listen to what the bad judge said. God’s people cry to him night and day. God will always give them what is right, and he will not be slow to answer them.”
- Do not stop praying
- Do not give up praying for what you want
Day 7 of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible verse: John 6:1-13
- No matter how small you are you can make a big difference.
- Kindness is important
- People will know that we follow Jesus when we are kind to each other
Day 8 of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
- Remember to be thankful in every situation
Day 9 of 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible Verse: Exodus 20: 8-11
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”
- The Sabbath is a special time when we can spend all day with Jesus
Day 10 0f 10 Days Of Prayer 2024
Bible Verse: Hebrews 10:24
“Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good.”
- Do good
- Love each other
- Show kindness to others
10 Days Of Prayer
We do hope you will be blessed by these 10 days of prayer series. You can listen to all 10 days of prayer by subscribing to our youtube channel so you will see all our great podcasts. We look forward to you subscribing and enjoying this our 10 days of prayer. God bless!