12+ Preschool Bible Verses With Free Printables

Want to teach preschool bible verses? Great idea as Deuteronomy 11:19 says ” teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Teaching the word of God is therefore very important to God and so teaching preschool bible verses is a start in the right direction. In this preschool bible verses post, I will share some easy bible verses for kids.
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9 Short Preschool Bible Verses For Kids
As a parent, you want your child to grow up with a strong foundation in Christ. One of the best ways to instill faith in your kids is to introduce them to bible verses at a young age. But with so many verses to choose from, where do you even begin?
What is an easy bible verse for preschool kids, you may ask, as kids have very short attention spans. Well, most bible verses are not short however for small kids like preschoolers we can extract the portion of the verse with the main idea so the preschooler can learn the bible verses.
So whether you’re looking for a verse to use as a bedtime prayer or you want to help your child memorize a few key verses, we have complied 9 easy preschool bible verses for kids to get you started on your journey. These preschool Bible verses are a great place to start. These verses cover topics like prayer, love, and emotions. They are perfect for little ones just starting to learn about the Bible.
The easiest bible verse is John 11:35 which is linked to the story of Lazarus when Jesus cried for his friend. This short bible verse for kids simply says that “Jesus wept”. Quite an easy verse to learn following which you can tell the story of Lazarus and explain why Jesus would cry and talk with your child about emotions. You can download our free easy preschool bible verses printable and enjoy learning these preschool bible verses with your kids.
Do you want to know what is a good bible verse for kids to learn? Another great bible verse for kids is about prayer. This preschool bible verse tells us that we should always be praying. Prayer is how we talk to God and it builds our relationship with God. We want our children to have strong relationships with God and that is developed by prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 says “Never stop praying.” Have your preschool kids learn this verse as you teach them to pray.
Kids need to know what it means to show love. “Love is patient and kind.” This is a great short bible verse for kids found in 1 Corinthians 13:4. Our easy bible verse printable has other bible verses you can have your kids learn.
Some other short bible verses for kids not on our bible verse printable include:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart”- Proverbs 3:5
This bible verse teaches children that they should put all their trust in God. Children have stressors just like adults. With this verse kids can learn that despite whatever situation they encounter they should trust God with all their heart.
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” – Psalm 23:1
This bible verse is a well known one that reminds us all that God is our provider. Kids will grow up knowing that no matter their need, God will provide.
“Even a child is known by his behavior. His actions show if he is innocent and good.”- Proverbs 20:11
If you need bible verses for children’s behavior, this is one verse you can let them learn. Children often choose to misbehave. This bible verse is a good one to remind kids that they are known by their behavior so choosing good behavior is always a better choice.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” – John 14:6
Sin has caused us all to be separated from God. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross has made the way for us to be reconciled to God. Help children learn this verse to remind them that the way to heaven is through Jesus. We need to accept Jesus as our Savior to have life eternal.
“The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you.”-Deuteronomy 31:8
Bible verses for children’s protection are always good ones for kids to learn. These verses remind kids that they do not need to be afraid because God will always protect them.
Preschool Bible Verses in Songs
Wondering how to teach preschoolers bible verses in a fun way? Do you love music? Do your kids love music? Well, how about singing preschool bible verses? There are some easy bible verses to memorize. Shannon Linville has one on her YouTube page, a song devoted to the bible verse John 3:16,17. You may think it’s long but you will be amazed how much kids learn when words are put to music and how easy it becomes.
John 3: 16,17 is a wonderful preschool bible verse for your kids to learn. It says ” For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This bible verse is the very essence of the gospel, so it’s one of the good bible verses for kids.
Preschool Bible Verses using Coloring & Writing
Some kids enjoy coloring and this is a great way to get them learning preschool bible verses while practicing their colors, enhancing focus and creativity. Another way to use preschool bible verses is to have your preschool child trace a short bible verse for kids.
You can download our short preschool bible verse to give you an idea of what to do. This is a memory verse for 4 year old and younger child. It is a short bible verse every kid should know. It is Psalm 23: 1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
Christian Art Gifts has also written an entire book dedicated to this concept of writing and coloring preschool bible verses. It is called 77 Memory Verses Every Kid Should Know. It is for preschool and school aged kids aged 5-8 and has bible verses in a fun and engaging format designed to make memorizing scripture as easy as 1 – READ it, 2- WRITE it and 3 – COLOR it!
Preschool Bible Verses in Sign Language
Sign Language is a great life skill, and what better time to start learning it than the preschool years. Even if the kids don’t get the signs all perfectly, learning preschool bible verses is a great bible activity to do with kids. According to Healthline some of the possible benefits of teaching toddlers sign language include:
- earlier ability to understand spoken words, especially from ages 1 to 2
- earlier use of spoken language skills, especially from 1 to 2 years old
- earlier use of sentence structure in spoken language
- decrease in crying and whining in infants
- better bonding between parent and child
- potential IQ increase
Even though teaching sign language for preschool bible verses is a bit more specific, it’s possible that some of these benefits could be carried over. The Youtube channel Wright Ideas With Susan has a sign language video teaching Roman 5: 11 “God sent our Lord Jesus Christ to make peace with us.”
Preschool Bible Verses To Memorize
Whether its bible verses for 3 year olds or bible verses for 4 year olds, all preschoolers want easy bible verses to memorize. I hope you were able to find a method from our bible verses idea list that will work for teaching your preschooler bible verses.
I hope you will enjoy this bible activity for kids and be sure to let us know which of these your kids enjoyed the most in the comments section below.