11 Easy Bible Crafts For Kids – Non Crafty Mom Edition

Are you looking for easy Bible crafts you can do with your kids while teaching them about Jesus? Do you need some easy craft ideas for your kids bible lesson at church? Well, look no further we have some easy fun craft ideas to share with you. You can use these at home, for Vacation bible school, there are some Christmas crafts and we will provide great step-by-step instructions. This is going to be so much fun lets dive in.
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Benefits Of Bible Crafts For Kids
Using bible crafts as an activity at home for craft time, for the Sunday school classroom as Sabbath school crafts or just as a fun part of your lesson plans can be very beneficial for children. Crafts helps kids to:
- Learn about God’s love from the bible
- Helps bring to life specific bible stories
- Enhances problem solving skills
- Spark imagination and allow for self expression
- Develops fine motor skills
- Serves as a stress reliever
- Work as a part of a team when doing crafts with others
- Overall crafting is a great activity for younger kids and older kids alike.
Bible Crafts For Kids
“All Things Are Possible with God” Craft
If you are a mom that is time strapped. There are some pre-done craft kits that you use. Kids will simply assemble the fun pieces in the craft kit and create a fabulous work of art that can be hung up wherever they like best. You can find an example of this with the all things are possible with God craft kit found here.
Jesus Calms The Storm Bible Craft
I like crafts that are super easy and have things I typically have in my home. Hands up if you have a paper plate. How about scissors and glue? Any paper? Well guess what? You have everything you need for this craft idea from Marina at Mommy Snippets. This Jesus Calms the storm craft is not only a fun activity to do with kids but it teaches one of our most favorite stories from God’s word. In this bible story, Jesus calms the storm on the sea. Sometimes we have storms in our lives and this is a meaningful craft that highlights this story is found in Mark 4:35-41 and is a great way to reminds us that God is very powerful and we can count on him to take care of us.
Colour By Number Bible Craft
Parents try their best not to have favorites but in the bible we have a story about a family that had a favorite son. This Old Testament story is found in Genesis 37 and speaks of a son, Joseph who his father loved so much that he gave him a very special coat. Jesus Rolon at Crafting the Word of God has a colour by number for Joseph’s coat of many colours which after colouring, your child can cut it out and paste it in a paper plate. Children of all ages enjoy coloring so this is a perfect craft for classes with mixed age groups. If you prefer just to have a resource for bible coloring by numbers you can use this.
Garden of Eden Bible Craft
God told Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden that there was a tree they should not eat of. They however chose to disobey. The story of Adam and Eve and their disobedience can be found in Genesis 3. You can also listen to the podcast of this story on our youtube channel. After reviewing the story you and your kids can do this easy craft activity in which kids will create 2 trees from the various options presented by Karen and Grace at KGM crafts then they can retell the story of the fall using the trees they created. This is one of the simplest craft ideas which you can easily use with younger children.

Daniel in the Lions Den Bible Craft
It would be great if every kid learns the story about Daniel in the lions den. Daniel was a servant of God. There were some people who did not like Daniel so they got the king to make a law that everyone should pray to the king only. Daniel however chose to obey the God of heaven and he did not pray to the king instead he prayed to God three times every day as he usually did.
He was therefore thrown into a den with lions but the angel came and shut the lions mouth and Daniel was kept safe. This story is a great reminder that God takes care of his children. The story of Daniel can be found in Daniel 6. Teaching this story and doing an easy craft will helps kids remember the story of how God kept Daniel safe from the lions. You can choose to do use the craft kit to do the Dare to be Daniel Bible craft or Visit Becca Foxwell on fun365 for the free bible verse and tracer printables needed to make another Daniel craft. She has many wonderful step by step pictures for this craft.
Religious Celebrations Craft
Easter Bible Craft
One religious celebration that Christians have is Easter. Since Adam and Eve sinned, the world has never been the same again. The promise was however given that a a Savior would come to the world and pay the punishment of sin which is death on behalf of the whole human race. That Savior came in the form of Jesus who died for our sins so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life as told in John 3:16.
Sometime between March and April some Christians celebrate Easter. Easter is a time when some Christians chose to celebrate the death of Jesus for our sins. The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday. This day is a reminder of when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey before he died for us. This story is found in Mark 11:1-3. You can read this story with your kids then do a craft about Palm Sunday. or you can focus on the resurrection and do the “Easter-He Lives” craft.
Christmas Bible Craft
Another time Christians celebrate is Christmas. This is a time when we remember that Jesus came to earth as a baby in preparation to die for our sins. The story of Jesus’ birth is found in Matthew 1-2 and nativity crafts help us recount this story. An angel came to a young woman named Mary and told her she would have a son who she would name Jesus and he would save people from their sins.
Mary was a virgin and wondered how this would be but the angel told her it would be a special conception. Though Jesus had to be born in a manger as the inns had no room, angels welcomed his birth and each year many Christians remember his birth in December by celebrating Christmas. If you Celebrate Christmas, at Christmas time you can enjoy fun Christmas craft with Ana at Mommy’s Bundle who has lots of angel crafts that you can choose from.
Thanksgiving Bible Craft
Psalm 92 tells us that it is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord. Thanksgiving is always a great time for bible craft. Check out this great craft idea for thanksgiving you will like and will keep kids entertained for hours. On our youtube channel we also have a series of devotions from Psalms that you and your kids may enjoy. There are also praise songs from Psalms so you can praise God with words directly from scripture put to beautiful music. Check it out and let us know in the comments your thoughts.
Baptism Bible Craft
Have you been baptized? If yes, do you remember what it was like? Were you excited? Were you scared? If you have never been baptized, have you ever watched a baptismal service? Well, from my experience baptisms are joyful experiences. Yes, another wonderful celebration we have as Christians is baptism. When someone gets baptized we celebrate that they have accepted Jesus as their Saviour and are about to begin a new life.
Just like when a baby is born and everyone is excited to meet this new person so its exciting when we get a chance to throw away all our old habits and behaviors and take on the new way of life that God wants us to have. When kids decide to give their hearts to Jesus, its also an exciting time for Christian parents as we all want our kids to know and love Jesus and be saved in his kingdom.
Jesus was baptized you can share the story with your kids and then do the Jesus’ baptism craft. As you share with your kids about baptism and new life in Jesus, you can visit the Ministry to Children website as they have some great craft activities for kids centered around baptism and the new life in Jesus Christ. We liked the simple bible craft idea of creating a baptism water drop decoration.

Religious Symbols and Themes Craft
Cross Bible Craft
The cross is a key element in Christianity. It reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf when he died for our sins and gave us a “clean slate”. If Christ did not pay the penalty for our sins once and for all, we would have to be killing animals still as they did in bible times. However Jesus came and ended the system of using the blood of animals in the process of obtaining forgiveness for sins. You can do cross Bible Crafts with your kids by coloring and designing cross book marks.
Prayer Bible Craft
Prayer is an all important element for Christians. This is the method we use to talk with God. Prayer is power. We are weak on our own but with God’s strength we are made strong. When we pray we communicate with God and he is always happy to hear from his children in just the same way parents are always happy to talk with their own children.
Teaching kids about prayer is essential for there development in Christianity and will help them through life in all the years ahead. Yara at sea of knowledge has some prayer craft ideas for kids. Enjoy starting the prayer journal or make your prayer hand craft; be sure there is a prayer craft waiting for you from her collection of resources.
Armor of God Bible Craft
We are in a constant battle. The bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. So, since the war we face is spiritual we also need spiritual weapons. That is what the bible talks about in Ephesians 6:11-18 when it tells us about the armour of God.
It is important to put on the whole armor of God so that we can fight against the enemy. We need our breast plate of righteousness, our loins girt about with truth, our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. Teach your kids about the armor of God by doing craft. An easy craft to start with is the armour of God bible craft. It’s a simple craft and its beautiful.
Bible Crafts For Kids
Well, that rounds up all our ideas for simple Christian crafts for now. If you are looking for more Bible craft ideas be sure to check this out. Enjoy these fun bible crafts and let us know how it goes by leaving us a comment below.