The Lords Prayer Plus Free Printables

The Lords Prayer also know as the Our Father prayer is perhaps one of the first bible verses that Christian children all across the world memorize. In this post we will be sharing the Lord’s prayer in a 10 day series as well as providing free printable activities that families can enjoy as they teach and learn the Lords prayer.
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What is Prayer In Simple Words For Kids?
Prayer is talking to God just the way you would talk to your friend. However because God is holy we talk to him with much more respect than we may give to our earthly friends. In the Bible God gives us examples of how we should pray. One very popular example prayer is known as the Lord’s prayer.
Example of prayers for kids can also be found in books such as A Book of Prayers for Kids: ways to talk to God every day by Mel Lawrenz. Examples of the types of prayers in this book include Prayers include… A Mealtime Prayer – A Prayer to Start the Day – A Prayer to End the Day – Before You Read the Bible – When You are Sad – When You are Afraid – When You are Lonely – When You’ve Lost a Friend – When You Are Being Bullied – When You are Confused – When You Have Done Wrong – When You Accomplished Something Good – When Your Father is Not Doing Well – When Your Mother is Not Doing Well – When Someone You Love is Ill – On Your Birthday – To God Our Father – To Jesus the Son of God – To God the Holy Spirit – When Someone You Love Has Died
What is the full Lords Prayer?
The full Lor’s prayer can be found in the Bible in Matthew 6 verses 9 to 13 and it says:
“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”
So if you want to know where is the full version of the Lord’s prayer outside of this one in Matthew, you can find it in Luke 11 verses 2 to 4. This version of the Lords prayer is worded slightly differently but it has the same meaning. The Lords prayer kjv in Luke says:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Give us day by day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
Why Teach Kids the Lords Prayer?
Teaching the Lords prayer is an important exercise for Christian families because it serves as a
- Foundation of Faith: It teaches kids the essentials of prayer—praising God, seeking His guidance, and trusting Him for provision.
- Memorization Skills: learning this prayer helps to build key memorization skills
- Spiritual Growth: Prayer helps kids build a deeper relationship with God.
- Community Connection: Many churches and Christian schools recite this prayer together, fostering a sense of unity and belonging so when kids know the prayer they can participate.
What Is The Lords Prayer Simplified For Kids?
The Lords prayer is basically a model prayer showing us what we can pray for when we come to God. Firstly we show respect for God in how we approach him by giving him honor. We ask him for our needs, for forgiveness and for help in our daily lives. So, what is a child friendly version of the Lords prayer? It could be paraphrased something like this:
Dear heavenly Father, you are a great God we thank you for all your blessings. We ask you to give us all that we need. Please give us another chance when we make mistakes and help us to also give others second chances too when they mess up. Help us not to do the wrong and may we live with you forever one day. Amen
You can download this Lords prayer simplified for kids as a free printable here.

On our youtube channel we will also be doing a series of 10 days of prayer where we will be talking about each section of the Lord’s prayer. So, you can subscribe to our youtube channel to follow along with this series and easily explain the Lords prayer to your kids.
Here is also a simple way of explaining the Lords prayer to kids
- “Our Father which art in heaven”
- Explanation: God is our loving Father who lives in heaven.
- For Kids: God cares for you just like a perfect parent would!
- “Hallowed be thy name”
- Explanation: God’s name is holy and special.
- For Kids: Always speak God’s name with respect and love.
- “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”
- Explanation: We want God’s plans to happen here on Earth, just like in heaven.
- For Kids: Pray for things to be fair, kind, and good everywhere.
- “Give us this day our daily bread”
- Explanation: God provides for our daily needs, like food, shelter, and love.
- For Kids: Trust God to take care of you every single day.
- “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”
- Explanation: We ask God to forgive us when we make mistakes and to help us forgive others.
- For Kids: Say sorry to God and forgive friends when they hurt you.
- “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”
- Explanation: We ask God to help us make good choices and protect us from harm.
- For Kids: Ask God to help you do the right thing, even when it’s hard.
- “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”
- Explanation: God is in charge of everything, and we praise Him forever.
- For Kids: God is the strongest and most amazing—He deserves all our love!
Fun Ways to Teach the Lords Prayer to Kids
1. Visual Posters
Create a colorful poster with the lines of the prayer and corresponding illustrations. For example:
- A picture of a father for “Our Father which art in heaven.”
- A crown for “Thy kingdom come.”
2. Craft Time
- Prayer Hands: Cut out hand shapes from construction paper. Write one line of the prayer on each finger, so kids can “read” the prayer as they go. To see how the prayer hands craft is done you can use this video
- DIY Prayer Journals: Encourage kids to write or draw their daily prayers. For a great prayer journal for kids you can use this one.
3. Songs and Rhymes
Singing helps kids memorize faster. For the Lords prayer in song you can use this one.
4. Role-Playing
Act out parts of the prayer. For instance, when teaching “Give us this day our daily bread,” kids can pretend to share food with each other.
5. Interactive Games
- Word Matching: Match words like “Father” with “love” or “Forgive” with “Sorry.”
- Treasure Hunt: Hide objects around the room that represent parts of the prayer (e.g., bread for “daily bread”).
You can also download our free fill in the blanks worksheet for the Lords prayer here.
The Lords Prayer
Enjoy learning and teaching the Lords prayer. Remember to check out the Lord’s prayer 10 days of prayer series here and for more resources regarding the Lord’s prayer check out this post. As per usual leave your comments below, we will be glad to hear from you.